One Boston woman (who said she has little money) ran out and bought three TV sets. I have to tell you we only have one that works, with a second in the bedroom that is not cable ready and probably should be junked. Obviously we are weird. But in a good way. Weird in that we would not dream of sitting in line on a cold New England Night to buy an $18 waffle iron when we could be snug in a warm bed. Waffle irons are on sale all year. Unfortunately, the waffle iron that flips over into a griddle isn't made any more. It strikes me that the people who buy $18 waffle irons are the ones who buy frozen waffles anyhow. Personally, I like waffles made in my no-idea-how-much-it-cost-at-Kohls appliance with low-fat Bisquick. I dump a lot of berries in them and sometimes use part juice instead of milk and they're delicious.
Did you get yesterday's Turkey Croquette recipe? It's a winner. We are having them tomorrow, too. I love to cook for two meals. You get a day off with just a vegetable and salad.
There are NO ACORNS in New England this fall, and we've been feeding the squirrels the old Halloween pumpkins, the squash seeds from the Thanksgiving meal, and some corn. Dry bread. A relative brought a bushel basket of acorns from Long Island, and the little half-gray half-red squirrel busied himself with carrying a lot of them off. I hope he thrives. So small and cute. I have a photo but not yet on the computer. Will you settle for a cat wearing glasses? This cat is smarter than those people who are up all night buying cheap stuff they don't need.