Woke up to gloomy weather and rain on a bleak Saturday. First thought was "ugggh!" and the next thought was oatmeal!
Oatmeal is cheap and filling and nourishing. It even tastes good. We make sure it tastes good by sticking a few plump golden raisins into the pot right before it's done. 2% milk with a dollop of cream and a spoonful of demarara sugar (or brown) puts the icing on the cake, so to speak. Of course you will want a helping of juice or fruit to balance the meal.
At our house we don't "do" instant oatmeal. We buy the stuff that has to cook for five (5!) whole minutes, which gives you time to set out the bowls, tiding up the kitchen, pour the juice and get your head centered. It tastes better, too. For a real (non cheeseparing) treat, sometime buy the steel cut oats when they are on sale. I also like Silver Palate oats, but don't have anymore coupons. Occasionally the house brand oatmeal can be purchased for a dollar.
Oatmeal also makes good filler for meatloat, and good bread, and you canmake make oatflour out of it in the Cuisinart and use it in cookies. Good source of fiber, too. So what are you waiting for?
It's tasty anytime, so don't procrastinate until you get a gloomy Saturday.
The Cheeseparer.
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