To make the meal a little special, yesterday I made some bacon and cheddar muffins. Took half to a housebound friend, and popped the rest into the freezer for tonight and the future. We also have a "special" salad of tomatoes, avocado and artichoke hearts, all purchased on sale as was the ham, the cheddar and the bacon.
Ocean State Job Lot, in the New England area, has a wonderful food section with lots of cheap stuff like imported pasta, artichoke hearts, capers, ethnic foods and all sorts of delicacies. We shop there often. They even have white asparagus and great imported saurkraut at bargain prices.
We got our flu shots today. Did you get yours yet? Many of the drugstores and even Walmart are offering them to walk-ins. Getting the flu and spending time away from work is not what you want to do. I know of several people who have been laid off because they got sick. Give yourself every advantage and stay well. That also means eating plenty of fruits and veggies. I buy bags of frozen berries and thaw a few out every morning for my cereal or on top of cottage cheese. That and a glass of o.j., and you're on your way to 5 produce helpings. You can always have a few cherry tomatoes and carrot sticks for lunch--maybe some items from the olive bar.
Didn't mean to preach. Don't you get weary from being preached at concerning your diet? Some of the foods recommended for weight loss make be gag at the thought. I am not really a tofu fan, although it is o.k. is soups and stir fry (if there is a bit of meat, too). Soup is a great way to get some extra veggies. So warming on a winter day. We woke up to snow on the ground this morning, but my nasturtiums seemed unfazed. Had already picked some coleus to root indoors and the four o-clock seeds (from the old plants) to use next summer.
The scrounger as well as the cheeseparer