Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Frozen Leftovers Save Your Life

Due to Hurricane Irene, we had a bare freezer, but not for long.  I stocked up on a bit of meat, a couple frozen pizzas, and some frozen fruit.  Oh yeah, ice cream.  I also stuck a few homemade items, dinner for two into the freezer that we didn't eat.  Then we went off to Spain and Portugal for two weeks.  

Ham What Am
 Came home with bad colds, really bad colds, and did not feel like a) shopping b)  cooking or c) much of anything.  Imagine my delight  when I found some frozen Swedish meatballs, pork chops, and even some yummy chicken breasts with  a sauce of Apple Jack and apples.  Died and gone to heaven.  We had a goodly stock of canned peas and I did make it to the store for salad fixins'.  This has been a life saver.   We don't really even feel like going out and hacking, coughing and blowing our collective noses.   

Getting a big better now.   Spain and Portugal were . . . how do I say . . . worth catching a bad cold for.     We had not expected such thoroughly modern countries, with good roads, good plumbing, good infrastructure.   And the food!  Those Spanish hams can't be beat.  Wonderful inexpensive white wines.  A dish of olives at almost every meal.  The food was relatively cheap, at least where we ate.  Museums were also cheap.  At the Prado in Madrid, they wouldn't accept our senior ID's because we didn't belong to the European Union.  Alas!   

I will have more later on cheeseparing while traveling, that discusses more than taking the soap and the shampoo.    The paradores in Spain all had weird grape-scented toiletries that smelled like grape gum, the kind that drove my husband batshit when the kids were little.  I didn't take any of that.    We also noticed the breakfast buffets had cereal like cocoa puffs.  Hmmm.  I saw adults eating it.   The world is a strange and wonderful place. 

More Anon.     And I'll tell you about the most BIZARRE sight today at the dry cleaners.     A mystery inside an enigma.  I 'm  still trying to puzzle it out.                                               

The Cheeseparer, back at last with traveler's tales.

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