Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Comfort Food and Cheap Eats

It's been good lately, with the snow piled thigh high or in some cases over one's head.  We feasted on homemade Chinese (yakisoba) and some Korean shrimp and scallion pancakes.  Think MEAT AS FLAVORING.  The Yakisoba called for one pork chop and I used 1/4 pound of med. shrimp for the pancakes. 

Then we moved into Swedish Meatballs. Meat as Meat.  One night I served them with mashed potatoes and last night with noodles.  Tonight we're having a Minestrone with Italian Sausage, something always on sale in the Boston area.  Soup is good food. 
  Minestrone soup with sausage

We did a chili earlier, using reduced for quick sale steak.  Zowie!   And a diet rice pudding that was so flavorful, thanks to currants, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Cherries on sale brought forth a Caflouti.  Nonetheless, it seems like grocery prices are higher and one has to shop ever cannier.  Are you a canny shopper? It pains me to pay over a dollar for an apple or an orange.  Still, it is better to spring for produce and to cut back on processed food and meat.

Here are some photos of the good meals we've been indulging in.  We haven't eaten out for weeks.  Maybe that's why the grocery bill is higher.  Unless you buy filet mignon and caviar,  eating out costs a lot more than from scratch cooking.  But you knew that.

Today the New York Times had recipes for some pancakes that would work great for dinner, with whole grains and I would serve a few ounces of sauteed ham with each meal. Amd a fruit salad. Remember: meat as flavoring
Cherry Caflouti

Yakisoba with Pork and Cabbage - yum! 

Korean Pancake just beginning to cook

Finished Korean Pancakes with scallions and shrimp - good as a snack, too!

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