Monday, January 3, 2011

The World's Best Macaroni and Cheese

This dish is complimented by a green salad, and doesn't cost much to make.  The taste and the lovely crumb topping can't be beat.  If your January feels cold and bleak, make this recipe. 

World's Best Macaroni and Cheese  

 For dessert, use a pie crust from the dairy case and make a free form tart with blueberries (on sale, of course), mixed with sugar,  instant tapioca, a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg and dotted with butter.   Brush the crust with an egg beaten with a little milk.  This gives you a lot of bang for the buck. 

January is a hard month, with all the Christmas bills coming due.  Clip coupons and watch  your grocery bill.  Turn down the heat a bit.   Find some cheap but decent restaurants.   A  quiche makes a tasty dinner.    We like spinach and broccoli.   The classic "Lorainne" is hard to beat.   Find some turkey kielbasa on sale and make up a big dish of sauerkraut and kielbasa.   Add some boiled or mashed potatoes and you're golden.  Do eat some fresh fruit everyday.  This morning we had glasses of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice.  So tasty and refreshing. 

 The Cheeseparer

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