Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Frugal Cook's Garden

Gardening In A Small Spot
Of course you grow your own tomatoes, right?  Even a sunny balcony can grow great patio tomatoes.  A bit of alley, anyplace there's sun and soil or room for a container can be a garden.  I always grow great heaps of herbs.  Parsley, natch, cilantro, mint, oregano, dill, basil, sage, thyme.  All are easily grown.  Mint and oregano always prosper like weeks.  Dill reseeds itself every year.  Thyme keeps faithfully over the winter as does sage, which can be harvested until Christmas.  We also like to grow cukes and sometimes peppers.  I failed to grow tomatillos.  Chives are also reliable and add delicious flavor.  

We grew some nice mesclun this spring, which I always added to the salad.  Unfortunately, the critters ate most of the spinach.  We got a little.  Must have some healthy bunnies.  


The Cheeseparer

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