Friday, July 30, 2010

Pizza! Pizza!

Last weekend I was in the Atlanta area visiting relatives.   We went to a party on a country property way the heck  east of Athens.  Our host feted us with his own beef, tomatoes, corn, okra, peppers and figs!  Yes figs!    In our local supermarkets, if you can find them, they cost $3.00 for 8, not a frugal price.  I was persuaded to bring home a small container.  
Recently someone in our tribe had a fancy pizza with figs and prosciutto, so guess what I made?  Yup.  I had riccotta and mozzarella, and fresh baby spinach.  I had figs!  We bought the dough and a few oz. of prosciutto, and we made a pizza. 
Because there were only two of us, we ate it for 2 dinner and one lunch in an outburst of frugality.  It was good.   Doesn't it look yummy?  Those figs had quite a ride. 

The Cheeseparer

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