Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Paring Lots of Cheese Today

You may not save enough for a cruise, but save you will. I thought the fish recipe sounded pretty good.

You can also use various “rubs” on fish, beef, pork, chicken, or anything. If you have a well-stocked spice cabinet, it’s cheaper to make your own, but if you don’t, try the rubs at Penzey’s spices.
www.penzeys.com. Penzey's are great because you can buy the quantity you need, large or small. That way the spices and herbs stay fresh and you don't have to pitch them or use old tasteless spices. Do grow your own herbs in the summer. The rewards are many.

I haven’t yet tried a Penzeys rub that I didn’t like.

Below are tips to save money in Lawrence, KS, but I believe they will work as well in Lawrence, MA. The library here in town has DVD, Tapes, Music, and all kinds of good stuff as well as books. Free books. You just return when read. We should all support our local libraries, because some of them have fallen on hard times here in Massachusetts. For some, the local library is their only access to the Internet.


The Dough Roller provides 20 ways to save on utilities, which take such a big bite out of our budgets. Listen up!

Due to the Net, we can get tips from all over, all the local papers, large and small. Isn’t that cool?

Tips for Smart Shopping

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