Saturday, March 22, 2008

Understanding and Managing Your Money

There was an article in this morning's paper about how many women still resist managing money and especially investments. Ladies, it's not rocket science. Don't stress out. Dig in and learn something. Good, diversified mutual funds are one answer. Living within your income is the big answer. Getting out of debt is hard, but do-able. Who needs $3000 handbags and $1000 shoes? Not me. I shop for shoes and DSW and find great bargains. Even if you're hard to fit (like me), you can always find something. Never spend big bucks for a white handbag. They look like hell at the end of the summer. Straw is better and cheap, too. Don't forget resale shops and ebay. Or just be happy with last year's. Who the hell really cares?

Money Math You Need to Know: Basic financial and economic information

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